2024 Fall Recruitment

Link to the application form: Here

Our Fall 2024 applications will be following the timeline below. Check out our Instagram for updates on our recruitment process, and feel free to reach out to us via email at rover.ubc@gmail.com if you have any questions.

[August 26] Applications open
[September 3] Imagine Day booth
[September 13] Applications close
[September 20] Interviews end
[September 24] Final offer acceptance deadline

We will be running a booth on Imagine Day in Zone 1 (Student Clubs – Activity and Interest) from 1:00 – 4:30. Our specific location will be posted to our Instagram on the day. This is a great opportunity to meet some of our current members and ask any questions, as well as see our rover in action!

A smaller recruiting session may be opened in January geared towards experienced applicants who can learn quickly and provide immediate contributions

Team Structure (Link to the Team Package)

The chassis team’s primary objective is to design a Rover based on the requirements given from other teams. We study different areas such as suspension, wheel design, overall frame design, etc. As a member, your goal will be to design and prototype ideas to improve our Rover as well as machining and assembly.

The arm team designs and builds the robotic arm which is mounted to the top of the rover. This sub-team includes mechanical, electrical, and firmware design.

The electrical team works chiefly on wiring, power, and control. They create the power supply system, work on our long-range communication system, and set up firmware/motor control.

The software team writes code to take in information about the robot’s surroundings and makes decisions about where to go next. If you are interested in working in pathfinding, mapping, computer vision, networking, or systems integration, the software team has projects for you!

Our multi-disciplinary team aims to design and implement chemical and biological tests for key soil features. We assist in developing the autonomous science module and are involved in researching and developing new test procedures to analyze experimental results.

The business team keeps our team running smoothly. They organize sub-system integration, events, and competition logistics. They are also responsible for our funding, sponsor relations, and social media.


Frequently Asked Questions

I have no experience with anything, will I be able to make it onto the team?
Yes! Technical skills can be developed throughout the design cycle both through self-learning and guidance from experienced team members. We are looking for people who show commitment to the team and take initiative to develop their skills in order to contribute to the team.

I don’t know which sub-team I want to join, what do I do?
Pick one sub-team that sounds interesting to you and go with it. We are somewhat flexible with our members transferring between teams after one design cycle. Try talking to some of our current members about the different sub-teams you are interested in to find out more info.

I am not in engineering, can I still join the team?
Yes, we accept students from all faculties, all you need is a keen interest in robotics and a desire to learn!

Does the team work online or in person?
Both! This varies with sub-teams, but you can expect some meetings to be held online to discuss designs and progress, and in-person sessions for collaborative design and to work on building the physical components of the rover.

What is your application process like?
Our recruitment starts in the fall, and includes an online application form. This form includes basic questions about you and your workstyle, as well as some technical questions specific to the sub-team you are interested in. Depending on your existing knowledge, some of these questions may be challenging but you should be able to answer them with the help of some research. These questions are designed to show us your thinking process and research abilities – don’t worry if your answers aren’t fully correct, we’d just like to see you try! We will then reach out to successful applicants for online interviews with our leads. These are for us to get to know you better and how you’d fit in with the team, and often include a couple technical questions.